Batman: Under the Red Hood

Batman: Under the Red Hood is the 2010 DC Universe animated feature film based on the DC Comics story arc by Judd Winick and Doug Mahnke.

A violent new vigilante called the Red Hood (Jensen Ackles) has arrived in Gotham and Batman (Bruce Greenwood) and Nightwing (Neil Patrick Harris) investigate. They are surprised to find the man under the mask is former Robin, Jason Todd, who was believed to have died tragically at the hands of the Joker (John DiMaggio).

The movie also features Jason Isaacs as Ra's al Ghule, Wade Williams as Black Mask and Jim Piddock as Alfred Pennyworth.

Batman: Under the Red Hood is directed by Brandon Vietti from a script by Winick.

C2Fs Coming the Week of June 28, 2020

The new Warrior Nun series joins a legion of DC Comics fare in this holier-than-justice round up the C2Fs ever to occur for the week of June 28, 2020!

Jun 27, 2020